Charlie Woods wowed the crowd at the PNC Championship with a powerful 323-yard drive on the 13th hole. The hole officially measures 321 yards, but Charlie's exceptional swing and precision allowed him to go beyond, landing just past the green.
You can watch a clip of the same here:
On the subsequent hole, Charlie Woods faced a different challenge, as he lost the ball to the right. But even in that moment, his talent shone through. The ball found the right side of the fairway, traveling 232 yards.
Charlie's average drive, albeit based on this small sample size of two drives, positions him above the curve for his age. His skill, precision and power on the golf course are undeniably impressive.
After his son hit the powerful 323-yard drive on the 13th hole, Tiger Woods praised him during an interview.
"His speed has gone dramatically up this year. He's hitting it past me now," Tiger said. "I'm just happy for him [Charlie Woods], that whenever he hits a shot that he wants to hit, that he's able to pull that off and I've seen him do it in practice and it's always fun and enjoyable to see him pull it off in a competitive environment, and I just see him just learning and growing."Tiger concluded:
"I think that people have probably seen how much he's grown physically from last year and that's the challenging part of it, is that trying to figure out swing path and clubs and fit and gram weights and everything's a moving target right so that's the the hard part."In the opening round at the Ritz Carlton Golf Club in Orlando, Team Woods shot an 8-under 64. Despite their prowess on the par 5s and consistent birdies, the duo found themselves trailing Team Kuchar by seven strokes going into Sunday.
On the final day the duo improved their performance, carding an impressive 11-under 61 in challenging windy conditions. While they didn't clinch the victory, their combined score of 19 under helped them secure a tie for fifth place.
The Woods duo have registered consistent top-10 finishes in the PNC Championship. The 2023 tournament capped another memorable chapter in the father-son's golf journey.
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